Exam Information
Welcome to our Exam Information System.

The Exam Information System is an additional offer from the KIT Faculty of Economics for easier communication and management of exam-relevant information, such as exam dates, auditorium seating or the personalized publication of preliminary exam results. Additional features, such as automatic email notification, point/grade conversion, or presentations of statistical data round off the offer.
Advantages for Students
- You will be automatically informed about new results and information by E-Mail.
- The new statistical functions and the automatically generated grade mirror make it easier for you to assess your result (must be approved by the lecturer).
- For all exams running through the system, you receive information in the same, secure way.
- Optional comfort functions such as the display of the grading scale (including your result), a display of the exam location on the campus plan, and iCal export complete the offer.
Advantages for Exam Officials
- You can communicate information to your participants irrespective of the administration system used (HIS/Campus) in a common way.
- Statistics, which previously had to be calculated manually, are automatically generated for you.
- Students receive timely notifications about new information, leading to fewer queries.
- Various import and export functions (including HIS / Campus) are available. You can decide whether you prefer to maintain the data on the web interface or in Excel.
- Data protection-compliant announcement of results according to the recommendations of ZENDAS, since each participant can only see his personal result. This makes grade lists/postings unnecessary.